Friday, December 19

Do you owe old state taxes?

Did you know that Social Security and pensions are also protected from collection by states for old state tax debt? If you didn’t, you are in the vast majority. Nearly half of all seniors are classified as economically vulnerable. Many owe old state tax debt. State tax collectors generally don’t bother to tell seniors and disabled persons that their money is safe and protected under federal law- it can’t be garnished by the state. Instead they harass them to pay no matter how little their income. Many thousands go without basics like food and medicine to pay old state tax debt from protected social security and pensions. The IRS has a system in place to recognize this - its called uncollectable status - while states generally don’t. HELPS can assist its clients to get on a non collectable status with the IRS and also stop state collections. However State tax collectors continue to harass and intimidate other seniors, who don’t know their rights. They even garnish bank accounts with income protected under federal law.
 HELPS has recently been working with the state of Oregon to introduce state laws that will require the State Department of Revenue to advise these seniors and others that their income is protected. This legislation would provide a means so that seniors may be put in an uncollectable status. It would stop harassment by state revenue agents. It would protect seniors with limited income to have that income for basic needs. This proposed legislation is in the beginning stages in Oregon. It is called LC 1830 and will come before the legislature this spring. It will be sponsored by representatives Cliff Barnhart, Democrat from Eugene and John Davis, Republican from Portland and others. HELPS believes this is truly bipartisan legislation. We are asking The AARP and others to join in this effort. Below is a copy of the draft legislation (LC1830 DRAFT 2015 Regular Session).

If there are any HELPS clients that have been intimidated by the Oregon Department of Revenue or other state collectors either in writing or by phone, we would like to hear from you. Please contact HELPS by email (  or give us a call at 1-855-435-7787 (toll free). We need more persons willing to share their story and perhaps testify before the legislature.
This legislation is badly needed everywhere, not just in Oregon. Low income seniors have never had a voice to speak for them in this regard. This is your chance to make a real difference in the future lives of thousands of seniors. We hope to have one state set the example and expand from there.