Friday, April 25

Basics of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)

Many people live on a minimal amount of income. Many have sacrificed food in order to pay debts. Many have other necessary expenses that does not leave them enough money for an adequate diet. It is distressing that after a life of hard work, many seniors are forced to sacrifice something as basic as food. But there is help available for many. 

You may have heard of food stamps. This program is now called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP. This is a federal program administered by the states that provides supplemental income to persons for the purchase of food. Unfortunately, many seniors who qualify for SNAP do not take advantage of this program. 

Lets go over the basic qualifications. Remember: it is easier for someone over the age of 60 to apply and qualify for help.
1. A member of the household where you live normally needs to apply in person. However, if you are unable to go, the interview can be done by phone or a home visit made.
2. There is a limit on your assets. Your home does not count! You can have a car worth up to $4,650 per adult household member. A car necessary to transport a household member that is physically disabled is not counted. Other household assets are limited at $3,000 for a household with a senior or disabled person. Remember, we are talking about auction value and most persons assets don’t exceed this. Many people over-value their assets. Do not do this!
3. Income qualifications vary by state but again the rules are more generous for seniors. For example, in Oregon a household of two earning $1,500 from Social Security with rent of $500 and medical expense of $250 would receive $153 in food assistance.
4. You can use this online pre-screening eligibility tool

Thankfully, we live in a country that provides for those of us that have need for food. There should be no shame or embarrassment in seeking and obtaining assistance with food. If you need help please consider applying. 

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